Ratpack membership

Steps to Ratpack Membership


When you recieve your NFAS membership card,

It will have the following information on it.

                                                Your NFAS membership number.---------

                                                 Your name.-------------------------------------

                                                 Your membership type.---------------------                                                The club your are affiliated to.---------------


Pay your fees by BACs please.

A form will need completing for every member.

Our BACs details are:

When paying your archery fees by BACs you should need the following.

Account name: Ratpack Field Archers

Ratpack Sort code 60-13-18

Ratpack Bank account 44571860

You are also required to leave a reference. Your surname & NFAS number would be ideal.



If you have not affiliated to Ratpack, there will be another club name on the card. You must then send me a photo of your card to this email.


You will recieve an email from me confirming your application is correct and that a club membership card is ready for you. This email will also give you further information about your membership.


Your application will be returned to you if it does not contain the required information, you can then add the missing data and return the form to me. 

As of 30/04/2024Ratpack

will no longer except cheques

due to bank branch closure

Ratpack Membership Fees

from 1st April to 31st March

Adult shooting member £50

Junior shooting member £10

Associate non-shooting member FREE(must have NFAS) £0